Work With Melissa

Find out more about the variety of services we provide.

Reiki Training in Sarasota, FL


Expand your knowledge through Blissful By Melissa Reiki and SUP Yoga trainings.

Reiki Sarasota, FL

Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a gentle Japanese healing technique used to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. As we move through life, energy can become stuck and stagnant promoting injuries or a feeling of imbalance. Reiki encourages energy to flow freely, removing energy blockages to support healing. Clients have experienced many positive benefits of Reiki including pain reduction and elimination, recovery from illness and injury, deep relaxation, feelings of peace and bliss, and physical, mental, emotional and energetic healing.

Yoga Sarasota, FL

Private Yoga Sessions

Personalized one-on-one and small group sessions are an excellent way to deepen your yoga practice, learn about alignment, understand poses and get guidance on exactly what you need. The pace of your private session is tailored to your individual needs allowing you the time to slow down and learn poses in a way that best suits your body. Private sessions are great if you have an injury, giving you the time to learn ways to modify poses for your body and build strength and flexibility as you recover.

Sound Meditation Sarasota, FL

Sound Meditation

Sound meditation is an acoustic journey that relaxes the body, calms the mind and activates your body's natural healing system. Sessions begin with gentle breathwork and meditation allowing you time to settle into the session. A variety of sound healing instruments including Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks, tingshas and drums are used to activate every cell in your body, promoting healing and leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.

SUP Yoga Sarasota, FL

SUP and SUP Yoga

Join us for stand up paddle boarding (SUP) and stand up paddle board yoga (SUP yoga) classes this summer! SUP and SUP yoga are the most amazing, fun, invigorating yet peaceful and relaxing experiences. Being out on the water helps develop strength, balance and flexibility all while being surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Yoga Sarasota, FL


Experience the bliss of travel and yoga through our worldwide retreats. Check out where we plan on going next.